Proposed memorandum of agreement (Tokushima agreement)

Presidents of ARATA , AAATE , RESJA , RESNA

Signed 26 August 2000.

In recognition of the potential benefits of collaboration with the membership organizations that promote the field of rehabilitation and assistive technology, AAATE, ARATA, RESJA and RESNA agree to pursue opportunities that will provide value to their members as well as strengthen the international network.
The intent of this agreement is to promote communication, and information exchange. The organizations consider each other as being "sister organizations" in other geographical areas, being not competing, respecting the different characteristics by culture, political environment, membership, mission statement and situation of people with disabilities in their geographical area.

The proposed activities are, but not limited to:

Reciprocal Membership Benefits:

  • Each organization will provide one free membership for each sister organization including all benefits and privileges to a person / place designated by the respective sister organization.
  • Each organization will provide reciprocal membership privileges in terms of conference registration fees and for certain publication activities.

Annual Conference Benefits:

  • Each organization will provide free booth space at their conference.
  • Extend an invitation to the conference to one official representative of the organization and offer free registration to the conference.
  • Promote to host an international meeting within the conference.
  • Advertise and promote each other’s conferences, including logos, dates and locations in the newsletters, conference proceedings and web as appropriate.

Use of Logo:

  • In principle each organization may use each other’s logos to support collaboration. Approval to specific activities may be granted on a case by case basis.


  • Each organization will promote mutual recognition of all organizations, including linkages to all web pages as appropriate. A common text might be used for that by all organizations put on a prominent place in the websites.

Calendar of events:

  • Each organization will include announcements of events such as meetings of international relevance in the newsletter and web.

International journal:

  • The organizations continue to consider to optimise the international publication practice of articles for their members. They will consider the needs of the different membership and existing Journals. The idea of a joint international journal will be explored and discussed further.